Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas closing dates
Toys can be returned on Friday January 6th, but there will be no stay and play session on that day.
We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Working at the toy library

Co-ordinator needed to take responsibility for the day to day running of a well established Toy Library. As a charitable organisation this role involves working with a valuable team of volunteers and the management committee. Suitable applicants should have good literacy, numeracy and IT skills, enjoy working with people and have a sound knowledge of child development.
See below for further details.
----------------------------------------------------------- Job application pack starts here --------------------
Dear applicant,
Thank you for your interest in our job vacancy. I enclose more information for the job and would encourage you to visit us to see for yourself what is involved in the day to day running of Shepshed Toy Library. The position is a part-time role and remuneration will reflect you skills and experience.
The Toy Library is a registered charity with its own management team and a group of volunteers who work on different sessions.
The Toy Library is responsible for finding its own funds either through grants, membership fees or fundraising events.
Role of Co-ordinator
To maintain the running of a lively and friendly toy library:-
- Promoting play in its widest sense
- Lending a good selection of toys for ages 0-10
- Providing valuable play experiences in the play area to
benefit both children and parents/carers.
To provide an environment that encourages socialising and support for carers and families.
To help plan and implement the finding of funds.
To work with volunteers and in accordance with Toy Library policies and objectives.
We would like you to write in your own words why you would like to work for the Toy Library, and what skills and experience you would bring and their relevance to us.
Please send your CV, completed criteria form and written application to the above address for the attention of Louise Bowles. In the event you are invited to interview we would like you to prepare for the interview either 1) an example of a short play session, please consider, age, how it would be implemented and what are the benefits to children and their respective adults or 2) an idea for fund raising and how you would implement it.
The closing date for application is the 10th of January 2012
Appointment of the position would be after being successful in the interview process and a enhanced CRB check.
We look forward to reading your application
Yours sincerely,
Louise Bowles
Please note this is a part-time role in school term time only. As a guideline the hours of work and pay will be in the region of:
- Main role – 16 hours per week at a salary of around £4500 (depending on experience)
- Supporting role - 10 hours per week at a salary of around £3000 (depending on experience)
Criteria Checklist | ESSENTIAL | DESIRABLE | Y/N |
NVQ Level 3 in Early Years Care or equivalent | Y | ||
An up to date Early Years First Aid Certificate | Y | ||
At least 3 years experience with the under 5's | Y | | |
Experience of working with parents and carers | Y | ||
Knowledge of the Every Child Matters and EYFS framework | Y | ||
Knowledge of child development | Y | ||
Basic PC literacy and good numeracy, literacy and IT skills | Y | ||
A commitment to flexible working | Y | ||
Experience of completing grant applications, | | Y |
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
We believe play really matters!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Toy Library Tree
The toy library is taking part in Shepshed's Rotary Christmas Tree Festival.
The tree is decorated with toys, decorations made by the children, and baubles bearing the words of feedback we have had from our members about the toy library.
You can see the trees until Sunday evening.
Many thanks to everyone who helped to decorate our tree.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Project Dragonfly
This project is kindly supported by local businesses including Hanson, SIP Industrial Products and Campbell Scientific. See the project page in the left hand menu for more details.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Christmas Party Tickets
Due to great demand tickets must be purchased in advance.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
November Evening Opening
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Behaviour Management
Behaviour management is a topic often raised by members at the toy library.
A checklist of what schools can do to instill good behaviour in the classroom has been developed and published by Charlie Taylor, the Government’s Expert Adviser on Behaviour and is entitled "Getting the simple things right”. Consistency and clarity were seen to be the most important factors. The checklist contains many items that can also be applied at home by parents. For example:
Ensure absolute clarity about the expected standard of behaviour.
Display rules clearly.
Display a tariff of sanctions and rewards.
Ensure that children never miss out on sanctions or rewards.
Model the behaviour you want to see from your children.
Praise good behaviour.
Celebrate successes.
The checklist can be downloaded here
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Make A Difference Week
A big thank you to all those who took part.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Musical Bumps Taster Session
Come along and let your little ones enjoy some music and movement.
For more information on Angela's classes see
Monday, October 3, 2011
The grub club
The school fund trust also has helpful information on their site:
Special seasonal activities for school aged children
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Supporting Local Schools
One regular user is Hathern C of E Primary School, who sent us the following letter:
"Dear Toy Library,
I am writing to say how impressed I have been with the resources and toys we have borrowed from you to support the learning in our foundation stage classroom. The children have so enjoyed the varied and exciting things you have lent us.
The staff we have dealt with have always been helpful and informative and have put together boxes and bags of suitable items for the topics we have done. The toys have always been of very good quality and in good condition.
We would certainly recommend your service to other primary schools."
Mrs Mary Sibson
Foundation Stage/Year 1 class teacher
Membership for schools is £25 per year. Please contact us if you think your school might be interested in using our services.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Work Experience Students Help Out at Toy Library

Amongst the many services offered by Shepshed Toy Library are work expericence placements. We work closely with local organisations to offer young people the opportunity to see what we do. Some are studying vocational courses at Hind Leys College, some are on nursing placements at the Health Centre, and others are working towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
We give the students a wide experience of all the different aspects of the Toy Library's work, from organisational tasks to hands -on play sessions. They can discover what they enjoy and are good at. It might also provide inspiriation for their future, be it professionally or as the next generation of parents and Toy Library users. The more people who know about us, the better!
The students have a lot to offer, even though some face their own challenges. They view things from a fresh perspective, are enthusiastic and provide an important link with the community. Everyone gains something from their time here. "We received positive feedback" say Hind Leys College. The students "enjoyed the challenges of work and appreciated being treated like adults".
Friday, September 9, 2011
Local Parents Urged to aim for Healthy Lunchboxes
Parents in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are being given tips to make their kids lunch box healthier.
A new school term is well underway and the NHS in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is handing out advice on how to make kids lunch boxes healthy as well as fun, to beat hunger and improve concentration throughout the school day.
With the majority of children taking packed lunches to school its important lunch boxes are kept fun and healthy to avoid children snacking between meals.
Gulshinder Johal, senior dietician speaking on behalf of the trusts, said: “Many kids will have started school for the first time while others will be returning for another year and after a while lunchboxes can become quite boring. “We are asking parents to be imaginative with their child’s lunch box and include lots of
healthy snacks such as dried fruit and vegetable sticks. Foods which release energy slowly such as wholegrain or pitta bread will help them stay alert all day. Involve children in the preparation of their lunchbox, this will get them excited about eating what’s inside.
“Foods high in sugar and fat, such as chocolate bars and crisps will make children feel lethargic and soon they’ll be feeling hungry again.”
Gulshinder’s five top tips for a healthy lunchbox are:
• include plenty of dried or fresh fruit
• use wholegrain bread for sandwiches or alternate with pitta bread
• pack up crisps only twice a week
• include a calcium packed yoghurt for healthy teeth and bones
• include milk or water instead of sugary drinks.
For more information on healthy snacks and meals for children log onto the Change4Lifee website at
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Toy Library re-opens Monday Sept 5th
We hope everyone had a lovely, restful and fun-filled summer - we certainly did.
You might notice some more changes to the building when you visit next. We'd love to know what you think of the refurbishments we have been undertaking.
Another toy library member's view
"I would just like to say how thrilled I am that I found the toy library at Shepshed. I live in Leicester and the library is 3/4 hour away but it's well worth the round trip and i am always amazed at the variety and the every increasing amount of toys that can be fitted into the mobile.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Borrowers get their say too!
"As a member of the Toy Library I have become familiar with the wide range of toys available for loan and have enjoyed reminiscing about toys I remember from my youth.
My two favourite items for loan are the ball pit, which is just pure fun, and the story sacks. The story sacks have great scope for play. Children can read the books alone or with friends or family, and can then use the props inside the sack to act out the play, adding to the story from their own imagination and bringing the characters to life.
As for the ball pit, I only wish it were bigger…or I were smaller!"
Why not let us know what you like to borrow?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Another volunteer speaks about her experiences
My son has learnt lots of social skills through play, giving him vital skills for his future.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The views of another volunteer:
A group of mothers and their children met at the Toy Library and while chatting, selected the task that they would like to help with on that day.
Although it was a cold and over cast day out side, the Toy Library was bright and cheerful, the atmosphere being both warm and inviting. People I did not know smiled at me and made me feel so welcome.
The children were happy and soon selected the games they would like to play with.
Mothers and volunteers moved to the various sections of the Toy Library and began the play sessions with the children. Other parents or volunteers were getting refreshments ready.
Learning through play operates in the library. Story Sacks are a favourite past time. A story enjoyed can be read and enjoyed, over and over again.
Volunteers started checking in returned toys or games then booking out the following weeks items.Or dealing with other administrative tasks.
My own voluntary work for the Toy Library, takes the form of assisting in fund raising. Valuable in this economic climate. I make toys or knitted or crocheted clothing for popular dolls. These items have proved popular at the open events, or pamper evenings arranged by the Toy Library staff.
I feel I am contributing something of value for the Toy Library. My efforts are giving pleasure to parents and their children. While raising funds for such a wonderful organisation as Shepshed Toy Library. There is a feeling of being valued by the Toy Library, noticeable by myself and other volunteers.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A word from our chairperson
I'm Louise, and I am the chairperson of the toy library. I help make decisions on the day to day running of the toy library and also some of the fundraising events that we hold. I have two children, 5 and 3 years old, I also look after my 2 year old nephew. They all enjoy coming to the toy library and I bring the younger ones to my volunteer session on a Wednesday.
We strive to make the toy library interesting and friendly to adults and children alike, and we are constantly looking for new ideas and input. Why not join us.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Another volunteer review
I had a trial period helping at the Toy Library. The work of the Library was explained and I could choose what I wanted to help with after I had been given an overview of the different tasks that were available. These included supporting the children in their play, making cups of tea and coffee for parents and squash for the children, helping with the administration.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 6 months that I have been helping out. It has given me a purpose for two mornings a week but at the same time given me flexibility if I need to take some time away for childcare and holidays. You are never pressurised to be there but they are pleased for any help given. It has helped to keep me active and I have learnt some new skills.
I have met some really nice people; they are a friendly team and very welcoming who work very hard to provide this facility.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Member and Volunteer Reviews
To start it off here is a review from one of our "occasional" volunteers i.e. someone who helps out occasionally at special events.
Working as a volunteer for Shepshed Toy Library
I have this year been involved in working with Shepshed Toy Library as a volunteer and although my involvement has been limited it has been a very good experience.
Shepshed Toy Library is an organisation I am proud to be associated with and I am grateful to the staff for their support to me and my business as a volunteer. The Toy Library is a valuable asset to the community providing safe learning and play for children of all ages, and support and guidance for families.
This year I took part in the Ladies Pamper Night, setting up a stall at the event, and every effort was made to ensure I had the space and resources that I needed. Additionally credit to my website was given on the toy library blog after the event.
I found the evening to be very enjoyable and look forward to being involved in future projects and working again with the toy library staff and other volunteers.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Summer Holiday Dates
These are:
Wednesday 3rd, 10th and 17th August 10am-12:00pm.
We will be continuing our focus on healthy eating and active play.
Normal opening will resume on Monday 5th September.
Look out for the results of further refurbishments when we re-open in September!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
July News

It has been very busy at the toy library the last few weeks.
Many of you will have noticed our new doors which are part of the refurbishment made possible by a grant from the Midlands Co-op.
We have also held two Teddy Bear's picnics which were a great success and raised £77 for toy library funds. On the Wednesday picnic we were joined by the British Heart Foundation, this was part of our topic on healthy eating and the importance of keeping active. This is a topic that is in the news a lot at the moment. The government is recommending to parents that pre-school children have at least 3 hours physical activity per day. Here is a recent news story about the topic:
The British Heart Foundation offer much helpful advice for parents. Here is a link to their page:
The Toy library was awarded £100 in the 3M community awards. We were shortlisted from 47 applications, and although we did not win a major award, this contribution is very much appreciated.
Finally, we have lots of new toys in stock including executive jet, camper van, dressing up clothes, multicultural games, and healthy eating games. We also have lots of outdoor toys and garden games which are perfect for the summer holidays. Our last normal day of opening is Friday 15th July, but we shall open for three Wednesdays in the summer: 3rd, 10th and 17th 10:00-12:00. We hope to see you on one of those days.
Monday, June 27, 2011

Good Toys - Toy libraries provide good quality toys which can be borrowed and enjoyed at home - just like a lending library. Some toy libraries provide specially adapted toys and equipment for children with special needs.
Good Fun - Children learn through play and most toy libraries encourage children to play with the toys on display as well as choosing one to borrow.
Good Friends - Toy libraries are friendly places where parents and other people caring for young children can meet to exchange ideas and share problems.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Healthy Eating

We have been exploring healthy eating at the toy library.
The children (and grown ups!) have tried exotic muffins this week. We have had courgette & lime and also chocolate & beetroot. Do you have an unusual cake/muffin recipe you would like to share with us?
You might find these links of interest:
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
New Toys
Monday, June 6, 2011
Let us know about your experiences at the play sessions, or when borrowing one of our 2000 items of toy stock, or as a volunteer. What works for you, what benefits are there for others, what areas could we improve?
All entries received by 01/09/11 will be entered into a draw to win a box of chocolates.
Email your entries to
We will publish a selection of the reviews on our website (anonymously if requested).
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Importance of Play

Guided Play – Notes from the Volunteer Training Session
The purpose of this session is to reinforce what we do at Shepshed Toy Library, and why. Our mission statement states that we are here to promote play. In all of the day to day activities at the toy library, this core message can sometimes get buried.
Let’s look at what play is and its purpose. It is not just something to occupy children and keep them out of mischief, but is an important learning vehicle. Without play children have difficulty building relationships, may not be on an intellectual level with others and can develop emotional problems. Play helps children to explore and experience things in life in a safe way. They use their experience from home and life to understand the world.
Pause for a moment and think about what you remember of play from your own childhood.
Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world.
Today’s children are often prevented from engaging in play because of the hectic lifestyles people lead. Play is often replaced by TV so that parents know where the children are and what they are doing. Society seems to want children to learn from watching something or doing something in one place, rather than building up a rich mixture of experiences and skills. There is also much pressure in today’s society to keep houses clean and tidy. Toys are kept in specific places, closed away from general family life. When children want to play they cannot engage in the heart of the home.
Play should be fun, and it is a safe way to work out what life is about. Children learn many skills through play and learn to solve problems. Children need to be able to exercise choice in their play. They should be able to choose when to play, what to play, play at their own level and explore issues relevant to them. We need to be able to challenge the barriers to play that exist in today’s society: overuse of TV/DVDs, fear of playing outside and unwillingness to allow mess in the house.
Play should also be child-led. It needs to develop at their pace and encompass their experience of life. Play practitioners need to balance observation with active intervention to extend play. Careful observation is needed to enable a judgement to be made as to when to extend the play by introducing more language or other aids etc, as sometimes the child is benefiting from being left alone to be immersed in their own fantasy world.
Play also helps develop long lasting relationships between a child and parent. It is important to allow yourself to be in their world, to join in and encourage.
Play has to be valued by adults. Not just be regarded as a way to keep the child quiet. Parents must see the value of what the child is doing. It is important to see when the child is engrossed and not disturb or interrupt if it can be helped. What the child is doing when playing is valuable to their development, physically, mentally and emotionally. Therefore it's also important to forewarn the child that the play time will be coming to an end and not end it abruptly.
As role models at the toy library, we need to show parents and carers the joy of playing with children and joining in with them. More and more society pushes play away and focuses on formal education. Many people think that play stops when the children go to school. All volunteers and staff must embody the value of play and help to promote it to parents and carers alike.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Volunteer Training Session
On Weds 25th and Fri 27th May we will be running training sessions for our volunteers on the principles, benefits and structure of Play. This will help our volunteers to join in with our Guided Play Sessions.
This training is part of Adult Learning Week and is kindly being part funded by Voluntary Action Leicestershire.
If you would like to know more about the important role of play, please see our guided play leaflets which can be accessed from the menu at the right hand side of this page.
If you are interested in volunteering at the toy library, please feel free to phone us on 01509 601146 or drop in for a chat.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Guided Play Dates

After the half term break, our guided play sessions will continue with healthy eating, outdoor play and physical activities, Father's Day cards and a seaside theme.
Sessions will run in June on the following dates:
Weds 8th, Mon 13th, Weds 15th, Fri 17th, Mon 20th, Weds 22nd, Thurs 30th (evening session).
July's dates will be announced soon.
In July we will also be holding our popular Teddy Bear's Picnic. Dates to be announced.
Road safety sessions

For the past month we have been running road safety sessions where the children have learned about the importance of holding hands, using zebra crossings and using their seat belts in cars. The children have had a lot of fun with the stories and activities linked to this topic.
Many thanks to County Hall for the loan of their safety resources. The toy library also has a road safety sack that can be borrowed for £1.50 a month. Please ask for details.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Ladies Pamper Night

Our Ladies Pamper Night was a great success and raised £248 for toy library funds. Many thanks to all who attended or helped out.
The pictures speak for themselves!
Especial Thanks to:
Laura Stevenson -
Bev Kauss -,
Natalie Simpson -
Stephanie -
Victoria -
Michelle Huggins - nail art
Louise Bowles - cakes
Sharon Ellis - raffle
Caroline Rands - coffee bar
Alison Jones - bedding plants
Yvonne Simpson - knitted Baby Annabelle outfits
Friends of Donington Le Heath manor house - pot pourri
Monday, May 9, 2011
Musical Bumps Taster Session
A date for your diaries: On Mon 16th May, Musical Bumps will be holding a free taster session at the toy library from 10:00-10:30am. Many thanks to Angela for her generous offer.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Ladies pamper night & guided play sessions
Also to remind you, we are carrying on with the Spring and growing theme in our guided play sessions and are introducing bugs and mini-beasts and moving on to a seaside theme.
The dates of sessions are:
Weds 4th May
Fri 6th May
Mon 9th May
Weds 11th May
Weds 18th May
Fri 20th May
Mon 23rd May
Thurs 26th May
The half term holiday is Mon 30th May - Fri 3rd June. We will be closed during that week.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Midlands Co-op Community Grant

We were delighted to be awarded a Community grant by the Midlands Co-op for major refurbishment of the toy library.
Here are pictures of some of our members meeting with the Co-op staff to celebrate our award and the newly refurbished Shepshed Co-op store.
Alsion Jones, from the toy library has also been asked to speak at a publicity event to explain how we applied for the grant, what we will use it for and what it will mean to us when the project is complete.
MP Nicky Morgan visits Big Lottery Grant winners The Shepshed Toy Library
Loughborough MP Nicky Morgan visited the Shepshed Toy Library on Friday to discuss funding, their future plans, and even picked up some useful information her own son, Alex.
The Toy Library was awarded a Big Lottery Grant at the end of last year for £1938, much to the delight of the volunteers who run the facilities.
Nichole Browne from the Library gave Nicky an insightful tour which covered their main programme of exchanging and lending toys for parents and caregivers, as well as a look at the on-site ‘Messy Play’ area.
“Nichole and the team do an amazing job running the Toy Library. They work incredibly hard and provide a great service for local parents and caregivers, and are truly deserving of the Big Lottery grant”, Mrs Morgan said.
“Having a young son myself, I am well aware of how quickly children can get bored of toys, and how expensive this cost can be. The Toy Library provide this brilliant service providing a huge variety of toys for children, as well as the different play areas on site to keep the young ones entertained for hours,” she said.
Mrs Morgan said she was also surprised to learn that the Toy Library can host parties, something she says she will definitely be keeping in mind for her son Alex.
Nichole Browne from the Library said:
"We were very pleased to meet Nicky and explain to her how our Big Lottery grant is helping us to provide our valued play and lending services. Our current play topic is Spring, Growing and Mini Beasts and the children have had a lot of fun with our pretend-play flowershop, making tray gardens and decorating our mural with ladybirds.
Now entering our 26th year, we continue to provide a valued service to local people. We have over 550 members from Shepshed, Loughborough and 23 villages throughout the region. Our Big-Lottery-funded play sessions run twice a week and details can be found on our website: www.shepshedtoylibrary.
The Toy Library is located in the PortaCabin in Hind Leys car park, and is open during term time 9.30am-12noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday; and 6.30-7.30pm on the last Thursday of the month. For more information parents and carers can call 01509 601146.
Next Guided Play Dates
The dates of sessions are:
Weds 4th May
Fri 6th May
Mon 9th May
Weds 11th May
Weds 18th May
Fri 20th May
Mon 23rd May
Thurs 26th May
The half term holiday is Mon 30th May - Fri 3rd May. We will be closed during that week.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Easter Holiday Closing - Dates
If you have toys due back this week but are unable to make it to the toy library, then please call us on 01509 601146 and we will renew them for you for another month. Renewal fees will then be payable when you bring the toys back.
Our next evening session will be Thursday 26th May 6:30-7:30pm.
We hope everyone has a lovely holiday and look forward to seeing you next term.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ladies Pamper Night

Beauty treatments and products will be available to try or buy and there will be gifts and cards on sale.
Music for the night has been provided by two local bands, and their CDs will be on sale.
We will also have a range of bedding plants on sale.
Tickets are £5 and include wine, nibbles and a goody bag. Further refreshments will also be on sale.
Stalls will include Temple Spa, Aloe Vera, Phoenix Cards, Nail Art, Manicures, Gifts and crafts, an exhibition by a local photographer, plant stall, and a raffle.
Tickets in advance from the toy library.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Can he fix it? Yes he can!

The Toy Library relies on the support of the community to deliver its services to families throughout Leicestershire. We have a great team of supporters and volunteers who offer their time and skills to help us.
Last Friday, one of our volunteers, Dermot Browne, gave a day of his time to help us with a number of maintenance and improvement tasks. This was made possible by the generous support of his employer BetFair who fund employees to put their time and effort into the community through their Volunteer Day programme.
Despite hot weather and the enquiring glances of families attending our stay and play session, Dermot put up racking so that we can better display our range of story sacks, installed new blinds in the play room, fitted a new childproof access gate and fixed some faulty downpipes.
We are very grateful for all his hard work.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Tesco and Sainsbury Voucher collection
We are collecting Tesco and Sainsbury Vouchers at the toy library. If you are wondering what to do with any vouchers we would be very grateful if you would consider us. We have a collecting box in the foyer.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Next evening opening
Our next evening session is Thursday 31st March 6:30-7:30. We will be running a guided play session on our theme of growing and flowers.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Outdoor Play
Why not come and see what play equipment we have and borrow something now that the weather is improving and the children can play in the garden.
We have a great range of ride-ons, scooters and trikes. Also tents, slides, trampolines and garden games.
Items can be reserved.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Guided play for March and April
The dates for the guided play sessions are:
Weds 2nd, Fri 4th, Mon 7th, Weds 9th, Weds 16th, Fri 18th, Mon 21st, Fri 25th, Weds 30th and Thurs 31st (evening session)
Mon 4th, Fri 8th, Weds 13th, Fri 15th,
Risk Assessment
Fire & inability to evacuate the building | Everyone | All doors to be in good order & doorways and walkways free from obstruction. | Everyone & Safety Officer | Daily plus monthly safety check. |
Fire drill notices clearly displayed. | ||||
Fire extinguisher to be in good condition. | Staff to request visit of Fire officer | Yearly | ||
Fire alarms to be working. | ||||
Fire exits to be clearly labelled. | ||||
No smoking signs to be displayed. | ||||
No exposed or hanging wires. | Staff & Volunteers | Daily plus monthly safety check. | ||
Accidents caused by Electrical equipment | Everyone | No obstructions to heaters. | ||
All electrical appliances tested and labelled. | Staff to contact electrician | Yearly | ||
Accidents caused by Chemicals | Children & volunteers | Keep all toxic substances out of reach and in original labelled containers. | Staff & Volunteers | Continually plus monthly check. |
No children in kitchen - notice displayed. | ||||
Injuries due to damaged building | Everyone | Check for leaks, lifting floor, protruding screws and nails, broken windows and loose hand-rails, problems with ramp surface and guttering. | Safety Officer | Monthly |
Lack of First Aid equipment | Everyone | Ensure First Aid kit is correctly stocked and accident book up-to-date. | Staff & Volunteers | Monthly |
Danger of scolding | Everyone | Everyone to be responsible for their own hot drinks and not to leave any unattended. | Staff & Volunteers to reinforce this | Continually |
Children might go outside unattended | Children | Make sure safety gate to play area is closed and in good working order. | Everyone & Safety Officer | Continually plus monthly check. |
Children being injured when playing | Children | Signs in place regarding supervision and proper use of toys | Everyone | Continually plus monthly check. |
Children swallowing small parts or being entangled with cords etc | Children | Where possible, all toys with small pieces to be played with on high table in play area. All toys and equipment checked. | Staff & Volunteers | Continually |
Warning signs to be displayed on bags of toys borrowed. | Carers also to be made aware of dangers. |